The story behind FERM

Real FERM Audio was founded in 2022 after I realized the existence of a vast amount of very talented, undiscovered, overlooked musical artists putting themselves out into the ether of the internet. Since then I began the weekly live streams called “Upcoming Artist Radio” to give artists, from green to well-seasoned, a platform for unbiased, realistic feedback and reactions. It slowly but surely grew into what is now, a community of supportive music enthusiasts where anyone can come through not only to showcase their music; but also to network and find potential collaborators.

My background in music began over 20 years ago when I started to learn guitar. Playing music was my main passionate hobby for the majority of my teenage and young adult life. I went on to write, record, and perform music in various forms and outlets and started my college career as a music business major in 2011. I was then led into science as a career path and ended up with a Master’s degree in Applied Physics from NYU. After working in a diamond lab in the city for several years, life and world changes led me back full circle to my musical roots. However I still find my education and work experience very valuable, as my scientific approach and mindset gives me a unique perspective and take on today’s music industry and underground scene.

